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Random drop chance

Random drop chance

Postby epsilonion » 29 Jul 2015, 01:02

So, I have been thinking about a random drop chance when you kill an enemy.
This is what I have come up with so far.

Let me know what you think... not tried it yet.. :D

Code: Select all

item                           = {}        -- make a table to hold the meshfiles
dropchance                     = 15;       -- drop chance is 15
dropnumber                     = 0;        -- Initialize rest of the variables
itemtospawn                    = 0;
x                              = 0;
y                              = 0;
z                              = 0;
 -- ** drop on enemy death, this is to go inside the KO function of your AI script **
   item[0] = "ammo.mesh";                                                       
   item[1] = "firstaid02.mesh";                                                 
   x,y,z = entity.getPosition( obj );                                           
   dropnumber = math.random(1,100)                                       
             if dropnumber < dropchance then                                         
                     itemtospawn = math.random(0,1)                                 
   entity.delete( obj );     

The last one entity.delete is to delete the dead enemy from the scene so you can see the drop better.
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Re: Random drop chance

Postby Shando » 29 Jul 2015, 02:39

Hey buddy,

looks ok to me ;)

One thing I would mention is that the Lua "random" function isn't great :(

To improve it slightly, you can insert the following in the onInit function (os.time only gets updated once a second, so you can't reseed every frame!):

Code: Select all
math.randomseed ( os.time ( ) );

and then 'pop' a few random numbers before using your first one.


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Re: Random drop chance

Postby SolarPortal » 30 Jul 2015, 09:28

nice to see you scripting now liam :) It shows you must be moving on to the next level with skyline now :)

As shando mentioned, the random can be improved very easily :)
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