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entity.callFn(obj,targ,func, table?)

entity.callFn(obj,targ,func, table?)

Postby ant0N » 30 Jul 2015, 12:42

using this command, you cannot pass a table?
if not, how to pass 2 or more parameters?
Sorry for my English. :)
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Re: entity.callFn(obj,targ,func, table?)

Postby SolarPortal » 30 Jul 2015, 14:04

Currently, there is no way at the moment. Another user did ask for this a while back, Shando maybes.
For now to get you going, you could call 3 "entity.callFn()" functions.

function SetVar1(value) -- store variable 1 inside script
function SetVar2(value) -- store variable 2 inside script
function SetActiveFunction(value) -- call the executing function using variable 1 & 2.
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