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Carry Script v2

Carry Script v2

Postby Shando » 26 Nov 2015, 01:36

Hi All,

Some of you will have seen my "Carry" Script (and demo scene) in another topic, but I thought with v2 I'd give it it's own Topic.

Attached is the new Scene, where you can now:

1) Press "P" (or "p") to pick up the object - Press the same key again to drop it ;)
2) Press "Y" (or "y") to raise the object being carried, and "B" (or "b") to lower it.
3) Press "G" (or "g") to rotate the object being carried clockwise if looking down on it, and "H" (or "h") to rotate it counter-clockwise.

The speed of the raising/lowering & rotation is controlled in the "onUpdate" function in the FPS Kit, and the box also now has Physics attached.

Once again, thanks to Ant0n for his "Note" Script 8-)

Any questions, let me know.

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