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loadScene Crashing

loadScene Crashing

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 15 Apr 2016, 18:51

I am trying to change levels when my player enters a telaporter...The engine crashes...I just have the code below on a trigger...I got the code from one of TattieBojangle's tutorials...Thanks for any help...CO

Code: Select all
--My teleport script

obj = 0;

function onInit(objID)
   obj = objID;

function onTrigger_Enter(hitID)
   tagname = entity.getTagFromID(hitID);
   if (tagname == "Player") then
      sky.loadScene ("TestLevel1");

Thanks, CreativeOcclusion
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Re: loadScene Crashing

Postby SolarPortal » 15 Apr 2016, 19:34

Do the load scene tech demos also crash for you?

I believe it is foumd in the Misc folder and will contain "main" in the name :)
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Re: loadScene Crashing

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 15 Apr 2016, 20:09

I believe I have figured it out...Have to go to town with wife, but will test when I get back...I believe the second level has to be in the same folder as the first level...The engine doesn't seem to be looking through all the scenes...Only in the same folder as the level it is changing from...This is not a problem, but I still need to test this theory...I will get back to it later today...Thanks
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Re: loadScene Crashing

Postby TattieBoJangle » 15 Apr 2016, 20:26

Hi m8 yea you are correct they need to be in the Scenes folder as when you export it collects the scene names from there and gives you the option what Scenes you want to include in the final game there could be a way to have them someplace other than here but I'm not sure ;)
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Re: loadScene Crashing

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 15 Apr 2016, 22:04

My first level is in a folder named ToT...This folder is in the scenes folder...It is found when making an .exe...So I assume if I put the level 2 scene in the same folder it will be found...I will find out and let you know...Thanks for the info....CO
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Re: loadScene Crashing

Postby TattieBoJangle » 15 Apr 2016, 22:10

If you make a new level and save it this will make the scenedata folder along with the scene file so for example

level1_SceneData (Folder)
level2_SceneData (Folder)

all this should be in the Scenes folder ;) so if your level is called ToT it would look like

ToT_SceneData (Folder)
ToT2_SceneData (Folder)
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Re: loadScene Crashing

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 15 Apr 2016, 23:47

Put the scenes in correct folder...It's a no go...Still crashes...The skyline_TechSupport file shows that it loaded the new scene, but it still crashes...There were no real errors except for the usual particle errors and missing HUD...It is just a small test scene to make sure it works...I don't understand it at all...I will keep trying...Thanks
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Re: loadScene Crashing

Postby TattieBoJangle » 15 Apr 2016, 23:51

No problem there was a problem with this ages ago but was fixed so it could be it has cropped its head back :cry: I will try mines tomorrow and let you know.
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Re: loadScene Crashing

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 16 Apr 2016, 01:49

I will try mines tomorrow and let you know

Thanks man...I appreciate it...
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Re: loadScene Crashing

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 16 Apr 2016, 02:21

SolarPortal wrote:Do the load scene tech demos also crash for you?

I believe it is foumd in the Misc folder and will contain "main" in the name :)

Yes these are loading...The Terrain one is just a black screen, but it does load...
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Re: loadScene Crashing

Postby TattieBoJangle » 16 Apr 2016, 12:15

I can confirm that mines is now crashing :?

Code: Select all
 |                   < GAME RUNNING >                 

INFO: UI Document - Loaded

ERROR: Sound file  Does Not Exist!

ERROR: Sound file bling.ogg Does Not Exist!

failed to load the Particle universe resource:mp2_explosion_26.pu
failed to load the Particle universe resource:mp_bullettrail_05_large_b.pu
LUA ERROR: Tag name [ HUD ] not found or it is invalid, have you used the correct tag name? Does the tagged object exist?
LUA ERROR: entity.callFn(..) failed. missing arg2  Target ID is invalid
 COMMAND FAILED!: setText(..) Document could not be found!. Are you sure you passed the correct document body id?
 COMMAND FAILED!: setText(..) Document could not be found!. Are you sure you passed the correct document body id?
 COMMAND FAILED!: setText(..) Document could not be found!. Are you sure you passed the correct document body id?
 COMMAND FAILED!: setText(..) Document could not be found!. Are you sure you passed the correct document body id?
LUA ERROR: entity.callFn(..) failed. missing arg2  Target ID is invalid
failed to load the Particle universe resource:mp2_explosion_26.pu
failed to load the Particle universe resource:mp_bullettrail_05_large_b.pu
 COMMAND FAILED!: setText(..) Document could not be found!. Are you sure you passed the correct document body id?
 COMMAND FAILED!: setText(..) Document could not be found!. Are you sure you passed the correct document body id?
 COMMAND FAILED!: hide(..) Document could not be found!. Are you sure you passed the correct document body id?
 COMMAND FAILED!: setText(..) Document could not be found!. Are you sure you passed the correct document body id?
LUA ERROR: entity.callFn(..) failed. missing arg2  Target ID is invalid
 COMMAND FAILED!: setScaleYCent(..) Document could not be found!. Are you sure you passed the correct document body id?

 |                  <  GAME  STOPPING  >             



LOADING Binary: Security Settings
loadPrioritySettings: FileName: D:/Aurasoft UK/Skyline/Asset Library/Scenes/level2
LOADING XML: Priority Settings
INFO: Material Change - Ambient Type Started...
INFO: Material Change - Ambient Type Completed!
INFO: Material Change - IBL Enable Started...
INFO: Material Change - IBL Enable Completed!
INFO: Material Change - Pure IBL Started...
INFO: Material Change - Pure IBL Completed!
LOADING XML: Scene Entities
LOADING XML: Scene Sky Env Settings
LOADING XML: Scene Settings
SKYX: Loading File
LOADING XML: Terrain Road Settings
LOADING XML: Load Bookmarks
LOADING XML: Post Effects
LOADING XML: Navmesh Settings

******* XML :: MISSING FILE:
FileName = D:/Aurasoft UK/Skyline/Asset Library/Scenes/level2.xSkyNavSettings *******


 |                   < GAME RUNNING >                 

INFO: UI Document - Loaded

ERROR: Sound file  Does Not Exist!

ERROR: Sound file bling.ogg Does Not Exist!

failed to load the Particle universe resource:mp2_explosion_26.pu
failed to load the Particle universe resource:mp_bullettrail_05_large_b.pu
LUA ERROR: Tag name [ HUD ] not found or it is invalid, have you used the correct tag name? Does the tagged object exist?
LUA ERROR: entity.callFn(..) failed. missing arg2  Target ID is invalid
 COMMAND FAILED!: setText(..) Document could not be found!. Are you sure you passed the correct document body id?
 COMMAND FAILED!: setText(..) Document could not be found!. Are you sure you passed the correct document body id?
 COMMAND FAILED!: setText(..) Document could not be found!. Are you sure you passed the correct document body id?
 COMMAND FAILED!: setText(..) Document could not be found!. Are you sure you passed the correct document body id?
LUA ERROR: entity.callFn(..) failed. missing arg2  Target ID is invalid
failed to load the Particle universe resource:mp2_explosion_26.pu
failed to load the Particle universe resource:mp_bullettrail_05_large_b.pu
 COMMAND FAILED!: setText(..) Document could not be found!. Are you sure you passed the correct document body id?
 COMMAND FAILED!: setText(..) Document could not be found!. Are you sure you passed the correct document body id?
 COMMAND FAILED!: hide(..) Document could not be found!. Are you sure you passed the correct document body id?
 COMMAND FAILED!: setText(..) Document could not be found!. Are you sure you passed the correct document body id?
LUA ERROR: entity.callFn(..) failed. missing arg2  Target ID is invalid
 COMMAND FAILED!: setScaleYCent(..) Document could not be found!. Are you sure you passed the correct document body id?
Case: CM Storm Trooper CPU: I7 5930k X99 Cooler: Noctua NH-D15 Graphics: Asus GTX 1080 Motherboard: Rampage Extreme V x99 Ram: RipJaws DDR4 3000mhz Storage: x2 SSD Crucial 500GB + x5 2TB Hdd PSU: Evga 1500w OS: Windows 10
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Re: loadScene Crashing

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 16 Apr 2016, 18:16

I can confirm that mines is now crashing

I worked half a day yesterday trying to get this to work...Thanks for posting this...At least I know it isn't something I did wrong...I do get frustrated when main functions of the engine are crashing...Anyway, Thanks for the help Tattie...
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Re: loadScene Crashing

Postby TattieBoJangle » 16 Apr 2016, 18:32

Np m8 yea its strange as there has been no update since I done that tut so why it broke is a mystery :lol: perhaps when they read this they could build in a level load function built into skyline it makes sense to have it part of the engine also audio as well so they can just be dropped in and work :lol:
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Re: loadScene Crashing

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 16 Apr 2016, 18:50

TattieBoJangle wrote:Np m8 yea its strange as there has been no update since I done that tut so why it broke is a mystery :lol: perhaps when they read this they could build in a level load function built into skyline it makes sense to have it part of the engine also audio as well so they can just be dropped in and work :lol:

Yea...The command loadScene() is basically that function...My next item on my list is to add sound to my teleporter...I don't know how it could break without an update...There must be a bigger problem somewhere...Thanks Tattie...It's always good to have someone to talk with...I think it reduces the frustration...Two levels of Tunnels of Tarkus should have been completed by now and I'm still on the first...aaarrrggghhh!...
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Re: loadScene Crashing

Postby TattieBoJangle » 16 Apr 2016, 19:05

I feel your pain I have nothing built as waiting on the update due to a depth order issue and shadows :lol: if you had animated water and transparent glass the glass would show in front of the water :lol: I'm sure they will be on soon tho and sort it out ;)
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Re: loadScene Crashing

Postby StarFire » 16 Apr 2016, 19:13

Sorry to hear you are having problems with the level loading. :o
Thank you for being patient we will have a look at the level loading as soon as we get this update ready, its being a bit awkward with having the new render required for public testing.

The new FPS system has been designed in response to feedback from using the proto version; which is in your level. The next set of mechanics being worked on are production ready, plus way, way more expandable. Its actually nice to see Skylines mechanics being developed as all our previous tasks were based on editor feature sets (quite boring realy). We at our end are now looking for a more game ready set of objects, the only obstacle we have is time! lol :D

So if you are ok we will have a look at the level loading and as Tatty mentioned there may be a system we can put into place, shall have a look once we get the release out. :D
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Re: loadScene Crashing

Postby StarFire » 16 Apr 2016, 19:15

Yeah Tatty we hear ya ! on it man :P
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Re: loadScene Crashing

Postby TattieBoJangle » 16 Apr 2016, 19:17

:lol: :lol: :lol: I know :lol: :lol: :lol:

Got to keep you on you're toes
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Re: loadScene Crashing

Postby StarFire » 16 Apr 2016, 19:19

:D :D :D
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