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Orbital rotation

Orbital rotation

Postby planetX » 18 Feb 2018, 18:56

Hi there,

let's say I want a planet orbiting around a star. How can I do it by script?... :?

A function like entity.attachOffset(parent,child,x,y,z) would be great.


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Re: Orbital rotation

Postby SolarPortal » 18 Feb 2018, 18:57

why not use the entity - offset action :P
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Re: Orbital rotation

Postby StarFire » 18 Feb 2018, 19:00

You could just use a couple of actions:

Clipboard Image.jpg
Clipboard Image.jpg (21.07 KiB) Viewed 14299 times

I use this to make simple birds fly around.
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Re: Orbital rotation

Postby planetX » 18 Feb 2018, 20:58

Hi, thanks for reply.

I'm creating random planets from an array, so I guess it has to be done through script. There's no mesh in the editor for every planet, I'm just spawning the same sphere and then changing the texture... you know, procedural things. :lol:

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Re: Orbital rotation

Postby planetX » 19 Feb 2018, 07:50

I think I got it... I just have to move the child right after attaching it to the parent, so if I rotate the parent, the child rotates with an offset. :D

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Re: Orbital rotation

Postby SolarPortal » 19 Feb 2018, 13:22

Yes exactly :)
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