This thread is for Users to add standard Lua 5.1 commands that work in Skyline (as a supplement to the API docs). The Lua 5.1 API docs can be found here
If a command isn't listed in this thread, it doesn't mean you can't use it, it just means that no-one has tested it in Skyline yet!
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table.concat (table [, sep [, i [, j]]])
table.insert (table, [pos,] value)
table.maxn (table)
table.remove (table [, pos])
table.sort (table [, comp])
# ( tTemp ) or table.getn ( tTemp ) - NB: table.getn has been deprecated in Lua 5.1
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string.byte (s [, i [, j]])
string.char (•••)
string.find (s, pattern [, init [, plain]])
string.format (formatstring, •••)
string.gmatch (s, pattern)
string.gsub (s, pattern, repl [, n])
string.len (s)
string.lower (s)
string.match (s, pattern [, init])
string.rep (s, n)
string.reverse (s)
string.sub (s, i [, j])
string.upper (s)
Operating System
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os.time ([table])
- Code: Select all (filename [, mode])
io.close ([file]) (···)
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type ( typeToTestFor ) - see NOTE1 below
debug.getinfo ( level ) - see NOTE2 below
tonumber ( value ) - see NOTE3 below
ipairs ( table ) - see NOTE4 below
pairs ( table ) - see NOTE5 below
NOTE1: There are eight basic types in Lua: nil, boolean, number, string, userdata, function, thread, and table. The type function gives the type name of a given value:
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sky.lprint(type("Hello world")); --> string
sky.lprint(type(10.4*3)); --> number
sky.lprint(type(sky.lprint)); --> function
sky.lprint(type(type)); --> function
sky.lprint(type(true)); --> boolean
sky.lprint(type(nil)); --> nil
sky.lprint(type(type(X))); --> string
NOTE2: I have only tested this as follows:
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local line = debug.getinfo(1).currentline
which does indeed return the line number in the script file (NB: this was an EXTERNAL script file NOT a microscript).
For more information on the Debug commands, see here:
NOTE3: This tries to convert its argument to a number. If the argument is already a number or a string convertible to a number, then tonumber returns this number; otherwise, it returns nil.
There is also an optional argument that specifies the base to interpret the number. The base may be any integer between 2 and 36, inclusive. In bases above 10, the letter 'A' (in either upper or lower case) represents 10, 'B' represents 11, and so forth, with 'Z' representing 35. In base 10 (the default), the number can have a decimal part, as well as an optional exponent part (see §2.1 of the Lua Manual). In other bases, only unsigned integers are accepted. (NB: I have NOT tried the base argument)
NOTE4: Returns three values: an iterator function, the table, and 0, so that the construction
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for i, v in ipairs ( table ) do
-- body of code
will iterate over the key/value pairs (1, table[1]), (2, table[2]), ···, up to the first integer key absent from the Table.
NOTE5: This returns three values: the next function, the table, and nil, so that the construction
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for k, v in pairs ( table ) do
-- body of code
will iterate over ALL key–value pairs of the Table.
The main difference between ipairs and pairs is that pairs will traverse ALL key/value pairs in a Table, whereas ipairs will ONLY traverse the Table until it finds the first NON-INTEGER key.
For more information on the "Other" list of possible functions, please see here: