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Textures dont save

Textures dont save

Postby TattieBoJangle » 27 Jan 2015, 01:14

Hi guys i have been having trouble with the material editor it wont store my _N maps and _S maps when in the Material editor i click load on where the _N should be it loads in fine but when i save it vanishes.


Also getting this (check failed as material pass does not contain any texture unit states!) and it causes some models to go white.
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Re: Textures dont save

Postby SolarPortal » 27 Jan 2015, 11:04

i don't think this is a bug. It sounds like you are still in basic mode for your material.
if you want to use normal and specular maps, you need to upgrade your material to either uber or advanced.

  • Uber(recommended) - this is the latest new shader, it allows use of cubemaps for image based lighting. It also has the latest soft shadows, but every material is unique to itself and does not inherit from a base material.
  • Advanced - this is the older shader, but has its advantages. It produces smaller and more readable materials, but does not have soft shadows or image based lighting. It also inherits from a parent base material. Great to for changing 1 property and all materials responding.

To Upgrade your materials, simply click this button, then hit save.


Now try adding your normal map and specular map, then save.

If you are using the newer Uber shader and find that the IBL is too strong on your material, then reduce the mix amount.
See image:


Note: Textures currently cannot have any spaces in the name. We will solve this at some point. ;)

Note: if your material goes white, then it could mean that the material has rewritten it blank, in this case. simply import the model again and the material file will be rewritten.

If you are still having problems, then it could be resource related. In skyline, we add to a resource list automatically when loading meshes, texture and materials from locations across the harddrive(yes, skyline can load files from anywhere lol :P).
If your assets are not in this list, then skyline will not be able to load or find them.
To get round this issue, we built into the Asset Manager, the ability to add folders and files to the resource list manually.
To use this method:
  • Open the asset manager.
  • Use the explorer list or icon view to navigate to the folder/file you need to add to resources.
  • Right click on the explorer list folder ( left list folder view ), and choose:


    This will now be added to your list.

Sometimes skyline will need restarted to take effect, but it doesn't usually.

Hope this helps :D
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Re: Textures dont save

Postby TattieBoJangle » 27 Jan 2015, 13:53

Thanks for the info the spaces in the texture name was the problem :)
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Re: Textures dont save

Postby SolarPortal » 27 Jan 2015, 13:54

np, glad to help :)
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