Hi there,
I have been trying to import one of my racing tracks into Skyline but got some problems, specially with the materials. The model has 9 different textures and I'm exporting it as one object from 3dsMax. I've tried two methods: The Easy Ogre Exporter and the FBX native exporter.
The first method gives me one .mesh file and one "multimaterial" .material file. This multimaterial contains the 9 submaterials in BASIC mode. The FBX method gives me one .mesh file plus 9 separated .material files in UBER mode after the conversion.
Both methods seem to work fine, the problem is that I need to make some adjustments to the .material files but I get lost in the code. I have to use the script editor to edit the materials, as the material editor crashes most of the times when trying to move any of the sliders.
I would like to know how can I set up the materials to receive shadows, as I couldn't get them at all. Not sure if this is a limitation of the BASIC mode. I also would like to know how can I deactivate specular and reflections in the UBER mode. In the UBER mode I sometimes get shadows, but they behave a lil bit weird, as they disappear when I get close to them.
Anyway, what I'm trying to ask is if you folks know the best way to export a model which has more than one material. I'm using now 3dsMax but also can use Blender if necessary.
Thanks in advance!