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Double sided material : shadows

Double sided material : shadows

Postby SpiderMack » 26 Sep 2017, 11:57


I think shadows are a common problem in many games.

When i activate double sided for a material, shadows have standard jaggies that is hardware.


It is possible to add some option in "Double Sided" to remove shadows, or some option to decrease the jaggies effect ?

I don't think it's something important, but it could perhaps be improved for future releases.
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Re: Double sided material : shadows

Postby SolarPortal » 26 Sep 2017, 11:58

yes, you can adjust the shadowmap bias on the first tab of the material editor to push the shadows further away, do this on the leaves though otherwise there may be a gap where the trunk meets the floor.

Clipboard Image.jpg
Clipboard Image.jpg (38.85 KiB) Viewed 10008 times

at the bottom.

or turn cast shadows off.
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Re: Double sided material : shadows

Postby SpiderMack » 26 Sep 2017, 12:02

Shadow map bias is great , amazing :D

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Re: Double sided material : shadows

Postby SolarPortal » 26 Sep 2017, 12:06

good :)
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