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Detail maps scaling

Detail maps scaling

Postby SpiderMack » 26 Sep 2017, 12:10

The most i discover, more i am impressed.

Skyline material has many detail maps slots for diffuse and normal.
It's a great way to add micro details or quickly make materail variations :D


But one option could be added : a detail UV scaling value for each detail map.
Defaul value 1 scaling is like actual detail map, another value scaling is used on UV size, increasing value would tile a lot the detail map on the model.

This would allow us to scale up or down the detail texture UV mapping on the model instead of relying on the model UV and on the detail map texture size ?
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Re: Detail maps scaling

Postby StarFire » 26 Sep 2017, 12:14

This is already in the material editor, each detail layer can have its uvs scaled or animated,eg you can see this in the water planes. Details can be for example great for adding extra moss to rock via the blend layer or micro close up detail, these extra layers open up many possibilities with materials.

Use the far right icon and scroll down a little to find the detail uvs ;)

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Re: Detail maps scaling

Postby SpiderMack » 26 Sep 2017, 12:31

Amazing :D
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