I have been reading the Ogre Manual and I think I'm beginning to understand Materials better now
Just one question:
If I have the same Material used in many different .material files, can I just use the Inheritance features instead of typing it all out?
For example I currently have something like this in multiple .material files:
- Code: Select all
material cp_mat_3_adv : Base_Multilight_V1
set $diffuseMap "hull_b.dds"
set $normalMap "Blank_N.jpg"
set $specularMap "black.dds"
set $UV_Scale "1 1 0"
set $diffuse_tint_color "0.470588 0.470588 0.470588 1"
set $rimlight_tint_color "1 1 1"
set $diffuseParam "1 0 0"
set $normalParam "0 1.5 0"
set $misc1 "1.53 22 0 1"
set $RimLight_Params "2.5 2.5 0.3 3"
set $LodDistance_0 "50"
set $UV_LodScale "1 1"
Can I just reference the first instance of this Material (in "biosphere_b.material") and use something like this in all other .material files:
- Code: Select all
import * from "biosphere_b.material"
material cp_mat_3_adv : bio_mat_2_adv
and then, when I need to change a Texture (such as the colour) I just include the relevant line(s) between the {}?
I assume that doing this (if it works) will mean that I can't use the Material Editor?
The main reason I ask is that I currently have approx. 10 different Materials x 12 different Models x 4 different colours (for a total of almost 600 Material instances), and if I decide to slightly change 1 Material I may have to update upwards of 20-30 instances of the Material.