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Enable & Disable UI Elements

Enable & Disable UI Elements

Postby Shando » 16 Sep 2017, 10:09

Hi all,

Is there currently any way to enable / disable UI elements from Lua?

Thanks in advance

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Re: Enable & Disable UI Elements

Postby SolarPortal » 16 Sep 2017, 11:03

yes, you can use

Code: Select all
gui.hide(bodyid, element), element)
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Re: Enable & Disable UI Elements

Postby Shando » 16 Sep 2017, 13:37

Hi SP,

I was hoping to actually be able to keep the button visible, but just disable it.

Not a biggie though as I can work around it in code (i.e. by using a Boolean to tell if it's meant to be disabled or not).

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Re: Enable & Disable UI Elements

Postby SolarPortal » 16 Sep 2017, 16:47

i see... no, there currently isnt... but ill add it to the list with the other stuff :)
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