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Text Popups

Text Popups

Postby Shando » 02 Oct 2017, 07:48

Hi All,

Not sure if this should go here, or in the scripting section.....

Is it possible to show a popup, slightly offset from the cursor location, using the "Custom - Mouse Over" function in the Visual GUI Editor?

I'm trying to display a couple of words (max 25 characters) when the player moves the cursor over a button in my GUI. These words should fade out (or disappear) after a couple of seconds.

The main reason I need this is that the images on the buttons will change frequently and some of them look fairly similar. Since my 2D artwork skills are extremely limited :oops:, I can't see a simple way of showing the differences in the actual images, other than having the words permanently displayed on the images.

Thanks in advance

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Re: Text Popups

Postby SolarPortal » 02 Oct 2017, 09:53

I don't see why it wouldn't be possible, but it seems there are quite a few GUI features i need to get my head around lol :P
Just figured out how to display a table data grid for the pause menu and got a list of HDD files from a folder to display in the GUI from lua :lol:

i have added it to your other list of GUI features that need added or worked out.. so please bear with me, as time is very short at the moment and trying to focus on the main tasks for release lol :P

Just ideas that might work...
* Call a lua command to show the image. Grab the mouse X / Y, then set the PosX and PosY of the element using the gui.setPosY() function or use the setProperty() for "top" and "left". If you set the element as a position absolute and root to the full body. Then you will be able to position it based on screen coords. As for fading, this could be done using the setProperty() again and change the "background-color" over time aswell as the text "color". for the colors, use could use the "RGBA(0,0,0,255)" css value for color or use hex as #ffffff00(white, then the last 2 are transparency). obviously, change the colors to what you need :)

* the other way that it could be done is as a seperate document that you load, then show / hide at a certain position.
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Re: Text Popups

Postby Shando » 02 Oct 2017, 10:23

Hi SP,

but it seems there are quite a few GUI features i need to get my head around

Yeah, GUIs can be a real PITA as they seem to take more coding than the actual game logic :evil:

Just figured out how to display a table data grid for the pause menu and got a list of HDD files from a folder to display in the GUI from lua

I saw some of the screenies on Discord, looking pretty schmick :mrgreen:

so please bear with me, as time is very short at the moment and trying to focus on the main tasks for release

Don't worry, release is way more important than a couple of extra GUI features!

as a seperate document that you load, then show / hide at a certain position

Hmm, hadn't thought of that, would certainly be easier and I could just set a timer to show/hide the new GUI as I'm not really that bothered about the fading in/out :)

Thanks again

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Re: Text Popups

Postby SolarPortal » 02 Oct 2017, 10:29

GUIs can be a real PITA as they seem to take more coding than the actual game logic :evil:

yeah, no what you mean.. just a simple pause menu is taking time lol :P
Engine features are quicker to do lol :P

i'm looking forward to getting back to the VGUI Editor and improving it some more :)
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Re: Text Popups

Postby epsilonion » 02 Oct 2017, 19:55

SolarPortal wrote:
i'm looking forward to getting back to the VGUI Editor and improving it some more :)

and documenting it as you go with examples etc would be great... I am still using the coding workflow :P
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Re: Text Popups

Postby SolarPortal » 02 Oct 2017, 20:25

there is much to do with the vgui editor, but when its underway, documents will be written also to give some control over what is going on lol :P

p.s. can't get on discord coz broadband is over the limit.
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