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Particles not found

Particles not found

Postby epsilonion » 09 Nov 2015, 02:10

Particles are not found but are included in the asset library.

This is a problem that has been fixed earlier this year but has shown its ugly head again.

If the scene with particles is ran in the editor it works fine but if you load a scene for example and this scene loads another scene say intro in this case then the particles can not be found.

In the video it shows the particles in the asset library that have been included into the resources.

In this example when the intro scene loads a main menu scene it crashes but again the menu scene works by itself.

If you compile the game (make exe) then the menu does not load the GUI but works in the editor.

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Re: Particles not found

Postby StarFire » 09 Nov 2015, 17:27

I think it would be best if you can send us your scene and we will take a look at it. ;)
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Re: Particles not found

Postby SolarPortal » 13 Nov 2015, 15:26

This bug is fixed :D
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