Just a quick message to let you know that if you use Particle Universe .pu effect files please ensure that the "system" value is EXACTLY the same as the name of the .pu file.
For example, in Media Pack 1 (which can be purchased from http://www.fxpression.com/ and is well worth the 10 euros imho) there is a file called "mp_flare_sun_small.pu".
Inside this file (which can easily be edited in any text editor, though I personally always recommend Notepad++) the system line is:
- Code: Select all
system Flare/mp_sun
to get this to work in Skyline, all you have to do is change it to:
- Code: Select all
system mp_flare_sun_small
and then save the .pu file.
Hope this helps someone, as it is something that I keep forgetting to do, and then spend ages trying to work out why my effects don't load