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Postby epsilonion » 12 Mar 2015, 15:40

Is PopcornFx compatible with skyline?


This looks like a great up todate tool for particle effects.
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Re: PopcornFx

Postby SolarPortal » 12 Mar 2015, 16:34

we have already tried to do a deal with them when they were named something different before.
Their licenses used to say for commercial use in ogre3d, it could be used free.
But to include it in the engine as a plugin, they wanted to charge us for it. Otherwise we would have had it.
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Re: PopcornFx

Postby epsilonion » 12 Mar 2015, 17:01

Taken this from the Orge3d website forums

I dont know if this helps but I trolled through there Orge3d forum and found this...

HellHeaven has been renamed to Popcorn.

Latest SDK can be downloaded from here:
PKFxSDK_Ogre_1-9-0 http://www.hhvfx.com/downloads/Ogre/PKFxSDK_OgrePublic_1-5-3-17501_2013-09-10_ndbg_x32.zip

contains versions for Ogre 1.7.4, 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.9.0

The plugin's API is free for commercial and personal use for the Ogre community.
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Re: PopcornFx

Postby StarFire » 12 Mar 2015, 17:21

We would love to integrate this particle system as it has so many cool features such as soft particles, heat and other shaders. This would save us so much time creating these upgrades to the current system.

I noticed that the link you sent for the runtime ( just checkin it out) is for Ogre, but when i last spoke to them they would not entertain us using it for Skyline. It would be great if they have changed their licensing but without permission or a copy of the license we dare not take any chances.

Saying all of this both particle universe and raknet became open source! :D
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