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Errors om FPS char

Errors om FPS char

Postby epsilonion » 01 Aug 2015, 00:45

I created a new scene dropped in a FPS Kit player A and FPSH HUD and ran the scene and got these errors


INFO: UI Document - Loaded

ERROR: Sound file Does Not Exist!

ERROR: Sound file bling.ogg Does Not Exist!

failed to load the Particle universe resource:mp2_explosion_26.pu
failed to load the Particle universe resource:mp_bullettrail_05_large_b.pu
LUA: Script Active!
INFO: UI Document - Loaded
failed to load the Particle universe resource:mp2_explosion_26.pu
failed to load the Particle universe resource:mp_bullettrail_05_large_b.pu

Also when you place the FPS KIT Player A and run the game the camera etc faces backwads, the wepon is correct but does not look the same way as when just in the editor not running the scene.

If I rotate the FPS KIT Player A it moves the camera and not the whole thing and the camera is then missaligned with the hands and the gun.
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Re: Errors om FPS char

Postby epsilonion » 01 Aug 2015, 00:46

Oh no idea what that sound file is bling.ogg
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Re: Errors om FPS char

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 01 Aug 2015, 03:32

I also get the same errors..
Thanks, CreativeOcclusion
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Re: Errors om FPS char

Postby TattieBoJangle » 01 Aug 2015, 07:32

I believe this is just due the fps player script as it is old but I do know that it will be upgraded at some point along with new weapons and what not :D

Or what it could be is some engines need to load sound/particle when the engine starts now normally you don't see them as they are hidden under the terrain or some place like that but they are needed to trigger the reason for this is anyone's guess but some engines do have to do that :D
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Re: Errors om FPS char

Postby SolarPortal » 01 Aug 2015, 11:48

Also when you place the FPS KIT Player A and run the game the camera etc faces backwads, the wepon is correct but does not look the same way as when just in the editor not running the scene.

lol, yes as Tattie says, this system is very old and has been developed just to have that FPS weapon and doesnt allow for much customization apart from whats in the weapon editor. But a new system will be created from scratch for the new weapons. These will make it feel much more like a modern game. :)

Oh no idea what that sound file is bling.ogg

This is our default sound file. We use it when a sound fails to load which is why you here a sort of bing ..... bing.... sound at times.

Or what it could be is some engines need to load sound/particle when the engine starts now normally you don't see them as they are hidden under the terrain or some place like that but they are needed to trigger the reason for this is anyone's guess but some engines do have to do that :D

We dont usually do this and not with the FPS system, but it is a very common way of preloading effects to work without popping for the first time.
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Re: Errors om FPS char

Postby epsilonion » 01 Aug 2015, 12:07

Oh this is a quick one, did some scripting last night and got the hud to hide and show a picture through the gui system, spent ages getting it to work and regular hitting the save button to save to script file.. then it happened a crash...

Loaded back up and it hadn't saved when clicking save, the script file was back to what it was before I had it working now I can not get it working again lol sods law really.. lol
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Re: Errors om FPS char

Postby SolarPortal » 01 Aug 2015, 12:25

Sad to hear. It can get frustrating.
Also you cannot save your script while the game is running. Perhaps there should be a message box appear
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Re: Errors om FPS char

Postby epsilonion » 01 Aug 2015, 16:12

Yeah I noticed that a while ago, now all it get when clicking on a button in the gui is an error about an element Id been -1 ...

Well will come back to it in a while with a fresh head lol
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