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3D Sound Docs

3D Sound Docs

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 31 Oct 2015, 16:36

I have added a 3D sound action to a generator...I want the sound to come from the generator but I can hear it throughout the whole level...I have played with the adjustments in the action but volume is the only one I can see (hear) working...I see that there is a setRolloff command...Is this what I need?...Is there a doc or example on 3D sound?...Do I need to just adjust it with code?...Can I have an example of the correct way to set it up with code?...Thanks
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Re: 3D Sound Docs

Postby SolarPortal » 31 Oct 2015, 18:08

This is one of those features that is still hard to use atm, the 3d volume does work but not as expected. The audio system in general is one the most unworked areas of skyline.

When there is time, i will check to see if it works still :)
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Re: 3D Sound Docs

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 31 Oct 2015, 18:30

Thanks, CreativeOcclusion
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Re: 3D Sound Docs

Postby StarFire » 31 Oct 2015, 20:36

Just a note on audio; we are thinking of adding fmod but this does have a licence if you sell over 100k or something like that. We would keep our current audio in case the license was an issue for some people. All open for discussion as they say. ;)
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Re: 3D Sound Docs

Postby TattieBoJangle » 31 Oct 2015, 20:44

Just a note on audio; we are thinking of adding fmod but this does have a licence if you sell over 100k or something like that

If it makes it better then great I don't believe I will sell anything close to that, also I believe skylines audio is just fine just needs a few fixes like proximity audio ;)
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Re: 3D Sound Docs

Postby StarFire » 31 Oct 2015, 20:54

yes just played with the audio and as long as you use a mono sound positional audio works but there does seem to be a problem with the distance. will check it out.
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Re: 3D Sound Docs

Postby StarFire » 31 Oct 2015, 21:11

I personally want fmode, some cool tools so we can have sound occlusion and full effects. Will be great for "Tunnels Of Tarkus" as it will help you create a full sound scape for the game.
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Re: 3D Sound Docs

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 31 Oct 2015, 22:32

I personally want fmode, some cool tools so we can have sound occlusion and full effects. Will be great for "Tunnels Of Tarkus" as it will help you create a full sound scape for the game.

If it will be great for "Tunnels of Tarkus" then we must have it!
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