Skylines Actions system and presets are the core to your projects dynamic objects. Many Actions can be used in interesting combinations for varying effects, but some times you need help to get the most out of them.

Entity presets (depreciated)

Entity presets (depreciated)

Postby Gtox » 08 Feb 2015, 11:19

How do I use the Entity Presets editor? Mine says (depreciated) and everything is greyed out.
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Re: Entity presets (depreciated)

Postby SolarPortal » 08 Feb 2015, 13:17

it is no longer used and this is why it is depreciated, it was the original form creating base types(entity, light, camera, empty node) and a way of adding actions at the start, but now we just import the presets, tweak them, add new actions & scripts. Then save back to preset. This panel will eventually be removed. :)
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