Skylines Actions system and presets are the core to your projects dynamic objects. Many Actions can be used in interesting combinations for varying effects, but some times you need help to get the most out of them.

action editor/character controller

action editor/character controller

Postby cosmo » 05 Mar 2015, 19:02

I've a character imported in Skyline with a bunch of animations attached to. Then, through Action Editor, I set the Camera and PhysX Controller, as explained in a Tut by TattyBoJangles that I watched previously.

Said that above, here is my question: is there a way to increment the number of animations we handle via Pc Animation slot?

Could I modify/assign in Pc Key Input through which key I manage the animation (for example: press the "x" to climb instead... "pc prone")?
It is necessary to use a microscript?

Last edited by cosmo on 10 Aug 2015, 18:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby StarFire » 05 Mar 2015, 19:16

Funny you should mention this as we will very shortly have just what you are looking for. ;)

Currently you can not easily extend the number of animations or key assignments without using a small amount of script, either micro or external.

In the next week or two this will change as we are implementing a new action which will contain many animations to extend the player controller and an upgrade for further ease of use. ( more key control and game pad )

The keys for forward/backward/strafe left and right can be reassigned the others such as "x" in this controller are not yet assigned.

These new features should make in into one of next auto updates. :D
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Postby cosmo » 05 Mar 2015, 19:39

Thank you, very fast and kind reply! :D
Ok, I will wait for the next updates! 8-)
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