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Error - Mesh is unknown as either v1 or v2

Error - Mesh is unknown as either v1 or v2

Postby Shando » 17 May 2022, 23:15

Hi all,

I'm trying to set a mesh at runtime using:

Code: Select all
player:setMesh ( "justin_sullivan" )

where the "justin_sullivan.mesh" file (along with the .ini, .skeleton & .skymat files and the relevant textures) is in an external folder that I refer to at runtime. When the code gets to this line, I receive the above error (though it didn't appear in red like a normal error?).

I created the .mesh etc. files from a .fbx file within Skyline (in a different project) and then copied all the files into my 'external' folder. The mesh works fine in the other project, so I'm assuming that I can't refer to a mesh unless it's been registered with Skyline? Is this right?

If that is the case, how can we refer to meshes etc. if they are going to be provided as DLC?


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Re: Error - Mesh is unknown as either v1 or v2

Postby StarFire » 18 May 2022, 13:26

The mesh should be seen once the folder is part of the library. Can you use the asset manager to locate the mesh, in doing so you can assure that it will be seen as I hope you get a dialog to add the new folder. Once we get the dlc installers released this will fix the resourse issue.
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Re: Error - Mesh is unknown as either v1 or v2

Postby Shando » 19 May 2022, 11:43

Hi StarFire,

Thanks for the reply :)

I assumed it was down to not being in a 'known' folder.

Seems to work OK when Skyline knows about the folder. I'll test with a few more models just to make sure 8-)

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