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File names

File names

Postby TattieBoJangle » 03 May 2015, 17:05

I know with texture files you cant have the spaces and they need to have different names but i didn't know the model file names had to be different also :/ spent hours converting models then only to find out when i drag them on to the scene it loads a different model it really isn't making things easy guys lol.

I will take a break for now as i know you guys are going to be working on the space/texture naming thing but can you do the model file names as well.

To any other users out there who have loads of assets imported i take my hat off to you :lol:
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Re: File names

Postby SolarPortal » 03 May 2015, 18:17

Are you meaning mesh files cannot have spaces in the names? or were you stumped by same mesh file names which accounts to the duplicate resources.

Well, this is good news for you as i have started this today and will be making a button basically saying "prepare my folder for skyline" and it will convert, rename everything uniquely, apply uber shader with normal maps and specular maps if found, edit mesh data for the referenced materials, rename skeleton files and anything else that will be needed to make sure that folder will not clash. You will also have the option to make it recursive to batch convert / unique all folders while you have a

I would like to make it so your 1tb of assets can be converted very fast.
Remember though, this does not account for bad meshes that have multiple lods, bad normals etc..

We also have a couple other tools which will help when you get a mesh with a material error in the asset manager like you had the other day. We are thinking to simply drag a .material file onto a .mesh file in the manager to change the material inside the .mesh being referenced and there is also the duplicate resource finder for those missing or problematic times to help identify the cause of resource duplication and to possibly rectify it.

This is now my primary job until all you users are satisfied with importing your models. :)
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Re: File names

Postby TattieBoJangle » 03 May 2015, 19:25

were you stumped by same mesh file names which accounts to the duplicate resources.

Exactly this lol

Well, this is good news for you as i have started this today and will be making a button basically saying "prepare my folder for skyline" and it will convert, rename everything uniquely, apply uber shader with normal maps and specular maps if found, edit mesh data for the referenced materials, rename skeleton files and anything else that will be needed to make sure that folder will not clash. You will also have the option to make it recursive to batch convert / unique all folders while you have a

This sounds amazing and if it is pulled off will be great for skyline as the way it is just now is a nightmare lol and i have never came across it before but thanks for doing this :)
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Re: File names

Postby SolarPortal » 03 May 2015, 19:50

ok np, i will keep you informed of my progress. ;)

It might take a couple of weeks to complete the task though, but i agree, currently having to rename everything is a nightmare, but not impossible lol :P This new system we have planned should cut time down converting assets dramatically.
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Re: File names

Postby lordalmighty1 » 07 May 2015, 22:46

ok that sounds cool thing to have happen faster than later lol. I don't have that many models like tattie, all the same I don't want to have to rename everything something different I would be far to confused lol. it really does need to be quick and easy for maximum benefit to every1 I think :)

+1 for fixing this please :)
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Re: File names

Postby lordalmighty1 » 09 May 2015, 09:59

ok so this issue happened to me this morning and thanks to tattie help I fixed it for the time being, but it wasn't on many models yet. would be hugely annoying for it to be on lots of models lol.
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Re: File names

Postby SolarPortal » 09 May 2015, 13:32

i am working as fast as i can to get a first version ready for usage :)
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Re: File names

Postby TattieBoJangle » 09 May 2015, 14:30

i am working as fast as i can to get a first version ready for usage :)

I can confirm this as i have bugged the life out of him :lol:
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Re: File names

Postby StarFire » 09 May 2015, 14:58

lol :lol:
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Re: File names

Postby SolarPortal » 09 May 2015, 14:58

lol no pressure .... :shock: :lol:
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