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Memory Match Game

Memory Match Game

Postby PaRaDoXoS » 06 Apr 2016, 09:33

I wanted to start with something easy: A memory match game. And ran into my first problem -.-

The cards for the game shall be 3D, 1 texture for the front, 1 for the back and 1 for the four sides.

If I take a cube and then flatten it, I get one texture for all 6 sides.
The same for Box04, though the texture is applied a bit nicer.

So, how can I do that? Do I have to get a 3D-Modeling Software? Can I somehow access the 6 sides independently?

To go my first steps I'll use a Wooden Crate. The Top can get a different Material. But obviously isn't what I was looking for :(
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Re: Memory Match Game

Postby TattieBoJangle » 06 Apr 2016, 10:58

The way you can do it is have 2 faces so 2 boxes flatten them place them together place the textures on them as they are individual bits and when you are happy with they way they are sitting you can join them together in engine ;)
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Re: Memory Match Game

Postby SolarPortal » 06 Apr 2016, 12:43

i would just export a box with the uv's set up differently. Export to .fbx and import into skyline. Nice & simple!
If the meshes already are split into different materials, then you can assign a different material, but controlling submeshes is not yet operational.
hope this helps :D
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Re: Memory Match Game

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 06 Apr 2016, 18:41

I agree with SolarPortal...UV Mapping would work good...Blender is free and has many tutorials on UV Mapping and exporting the UV Map...
Thanks, CreativeOcclusion
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