It is possible to import multiple animation FBX files ?
For example import FBX character and armature, and import for same character animation FBX files.
walk: 000 - 028
run: 030 - 047
stand: 049 - 079
taunt: 081 - 156
idle: 158 - 258
attack1: 260 - 280
attack2: 282 - 302
attack3: 304 - 339
hit1: 341 - 356
hit2: 358 - 373
death1: 375 - 410
death2: 411 - 450
#Polygon count:
#Goblin: 5167 triangles
#Clothes + bomb: 726 triangles
#Hair: 242 triangles
#Weapon: 438 triangles
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