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animation mapper

animation mapper

Postby cassius_b » 08 Mar 2018, 21:16

Just taken a first look at the animation mapper. The default items seem to be related to some other mesh. How do I use it?
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Re: animation mapper

Postby SolarPortal » 08 Mar 2018, 21:56

The animation mapper is as simple as mapping the animation name of the animated mesh you have selected to a name in the Mapper list.

So, the left side of the list is anim names that we can use in script to get the name of an animation. The cool thing about this is if you have 2 animated meshes, both with a walk anim called walk-00 or Walk_1 for example, these can be chosen on the animation mapper combobox item for the "Walk" mapped name.

Then in lua you can use this command and retrieve the name of the animation.
Code: Select all
WalkAnimationName = anim.getFromMap(objID, "Walk");
lprint("WalkAnimationName  = "..WalkAnimationName )
-- Prints either "walk-00" or "Walk_1" depending on which entity the script was called.

Hope this helps.. :D

Basically, it is a way to get an animation name from an entity that can be shared on a single script between multiple entities.
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Re: animation mapper

Postby cassius_b » 08 Mar 2018, 22:07

Good. thanks. I am just about to venture into scripted anims.
Skyline Ensen
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Re: animation mapper

Postby SolarPortal » 08 Mar 2018, 22:11

no problem :)

Edit: Updated the code block as the getFromMap() functions takes 2 arguments.
Skyline Game Engine - Lead Dev.
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