Terrains, skys, Oceans, anything to do with the environment

terrain issue

terrain issue

Postby cassius_b » 20 Apr 2016, 19:45

While editing terrain with height raising and painting a small part of it I am getting white lines showing on the terrain in the editor and when running the game. They look like markings on a football pitch.
Skyline Ensen
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Re: terrain issue

Postby TattieBoJangle » 20 Apr 2016, 22:23

Haven't seen this bug mind you there was a bug with the water where it went white and you had to click your task bar then back to the engine to fix it do you have any screen shots ;)
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Re: terrain issue

Postby cassius_b » 20 Apr 2016, 23:52

Its ok. The terrain goes back to normal when I click on an item in the left panel.
Skyline Ensen
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