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Terrain help needed.

Terrain help needed.

Postby jcleaver » 07 Mar 2018, 00:07

I am having an issue that may be due to my lack of knowledge. I am trying to import a heightmap into my project.

With the previous version i had, I could do this easily. Now, I can't do it at all. Here is what I do:

1. Create new scene
2. Go to the terrain editor
3. Noting that the import buttons are greyed out, I hit generate.
4. Delete existing ground disc
5. Choose load AM Heightmap.
6. Navigate to map, and drag it over to import.
7. Get dialog asking about material.
6. Skyline crashes. Every single time.

After playing around, I found that heightmaps in the asset library work OK, even ones I copy into that folder. It just happens when I navigate to a folder outside the asset library.

Even so, it would be nice to have a new tutorial on the best way to work with terrains, as I can not seem to grasp it very well. Such as map size, texturing, etc.
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Re: Terrain help needed.

Postby TattieBoJangle » 07 Mar 2018, 13:54

Hi Jcleaver there is a small bug with it just now where it will load hightmaps without textures but there is a work around until the update here is a small video and I will upload a more in depth one later tonight when I am back

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Re: Terrain help needed.

Postby StarFire » 07 Mar 2018, 15:10

Thanks for the video tatty:)

Currently heightmaps still have to be added to the heightmap folder in order for the system to recognize them as heightmaps and not as standard textures. We will look into this further :)
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Re: Terrain help needed.

Postby jcleaver » 08 Mar 2018, 01:12

Thank you very much. I am able to import heightmaps now. Now to play around with the sliders to see what dimensions work right.

My Heightmap is 2048x2048. I need to figure out world dimensions, etc.
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Re: Terrain help needed.

Postby SolarPortal » 08 Mar 2018, 22:03

Ok, so if 2048x2048 was input with a 1:1 scaling ratio with the terrain, then you would input. Then you would input 2048 to represent 2.048km. i am currently in the middle of upgrading mine, so i cant test, but it is either 1 to 1 or the radius, in which case enter the world size of 1024 which would then double to 2048 on creation.
Depending on which one of these works, it would give to 1 terrain poly = 1 meter.

Hope this helps :D
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Re: Terrain help needed.

Postby jcleaver » 20 Mar 2018, 00:46

Just tried with the new version, and you still have to copy the heightfield into the System Library. It will not work from a newly created Asset Library.
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Re: Terrain help needed.

Postby SolarPortal » 20 Mar 2018, 01:04

thanks for noting this, will make it work with user libraries tomorrow and release the the update for tomorrow :)
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Re: Terrain help needed.

Postby SolarPortal » 20 Mar 2018, 12:54

Tested on my version today and user libraries are working...

Steps to reproduce..
  • Create a Folder in the user library called Heightmaps.. for example: "Asset Library\Textures\Heightmaps", copy your image into this directory in the form on a png, jpg etc...
    Clipboard Image.jpg
    Clipboard Image.jpg (19.73 KiB) Viewed 10923 times
  • Open the Asset manager and navigate to the Asset library from the top drop down and go to the heightmaps folder. This will add the texture to the resources.
    Clipboard Image (1).jpg
    Clipboard Image (1).jpg (28.11 KiB) Viewed 10923 times
  • Create a terrain so it exists in the scene.
  • Now drag the heightmap image from the Heightmaps folder onto the terrain. You should be presented with a message box to overwrite the terrain.
  • Wait a few seconds and the heightmap should load.
  • Then to paint it with preexisting textures, click on the images seen as below and choose a terrain preset.
Clipboard Image.jpg
Clipboard Image.jpg (41.26 KiB) Viewed 10923 times

Now you have added, loaded and painted your own heightmap image.

Note: Skyline requires that heightmaps are stored in a "Heightmaps" folder as we use the name in code to know when to apply a texture to the terrain or not.

Hope this helps clear things up :)

Edit: I will change the open heightmaps button to go to the user library though :)
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