Skyline Editor related tips n tricks!

Move camera view

Move camera view

Postby SpiderMack » 08 Oct 2017, 23:47


There is one missing a lot : the ability pan the the camera view with some combination like for example "CTRL" + RMB

We have pan view in all 3D software because it's used as much as rotating the view.

Without some shortcut it's a real struggle because you have to move and turn around like you was playing some game :lol:
(But you just want to pan around)

Will that be available in some next Beta ?
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Re: Move camera view

Postby TattieBoJangle » 09 Oct 2017, 00:13

Without some shortcut it's a real struggle because you have to move and turn around like you was playing some game

That's the way its designed to be m8 as that view port is essentially your game ;) not sure what to say if you find it a struggle to hold the right mouse button to pan cant get much easier than that.

Q - Pan Down
E - Pan Up
A - Pan Left
D - Pan Right
Alt + Rmb - Pans around the selected Pivot Point
Rmb - Pans Y-Z-X

There is one missing a lot : the ability pan the the camera view with some combination

Not so much as missing more the user missed it ;)
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Re: Move camera view

Postby SpiderMack » 09 Oct 2017, 11:31

The disadvantage is you got to use more keys to use the view.

In Unity you don't need any key , all is done with mouse , it's simplified :
Right mouse = rotate
mouse Wheel = zoom
Middle mouse = pan

It's direct and faster workflow :D
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Re: Move camera view

Postby SolarPortal » 09 Oct 2017, 12:24

Middle clicks are planned! :D
However, there are many who do not like middle clicks or dont have very good ones on their mice. e.g. like my last mouse.
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Re: Move camera view

Postby TattieBoJangle » 09 Oct 2017, 12:29

In Unity

yeah but its not Unity ;)

so the only difference is the middle mouse click and hold moves the camera X Y Z the same as skyline uses ADQE or hold alt + rmb to view all round the model I'm sure it wont hurt to much to press an extra key ;)
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Re: Move camera view

Postby lordalmighty1 » 09 Oct 2017, 12:42

i happen to like the way skyline works its view port, its more like gaming wasd qe alt shift etc... all this unity this n that its not a unity clone and never will be thank the gods!! ( gods being the devs in this case). it feels like you want to use unity but don't want to pay royalties or the monthly charges or something the way you keep going on about unity this that and something else :lol:
I could be mistaken of course but its how you come across to me with all the unity stuff sorry if that has upset you in anyway...
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