hope all is going well with everyone.
We havent released in the past month due to some major overhauls in skyline. We need to make sure that the new features are stable and usable enough to release with.
Here is a quick overview of whats to come in the next skyline version:
- New: PhysX is replacing bullet as our main physics engine of choice, bullet will be depreciated out of the system.
- Physx Features that are in skyline now:
- Character controller that works with the player camera action for creating most styles of characters for games.
- RigidBody action, this uses the static/dynamic properties aswell as box, sphere, convex, mesh and capsule body types. It also contains options for allowing collision ontouch, onstay and onleave per rigidbody.
- self contained trigger volume action with its own microscript.
- Full volumetric triggers and collision callback to lua script.
- Physics Raycast
- stack and throw actions are also remade for the physx library.
- Physics Ragdoll action, basic but works most of the time.
- New: Microscripts: these are full lua scripts that are stored with the scene or preset instead of having its own .lua script file. This makes scripts reusable and fast to make any object do a specific task quickly, e.g. using a sound when the object hits the ground or spawns a particle for a torchlight.
- New: Navmesh using the Recast/ Detour libraries, with full in world debugging aswell as remove and place tiles as not all corners of the world need navigation.
Here are some screenshots of a development level called cornsquare: