From time to time we will inform the community of certain areas of Skyline Development. If we have decided to add a new features or new demos in development etc we will try to make a post in this topic.Feel free to leave your comments to help encourage out development team ; )

Interactive Objects Development.

Interactive Objects Development.

Postby StarFire » 10 Mar 2017, 22:02

Been busy with the new game objects and have added a new system for the player. Interactive objects can be simply setup to cover all player interactions such as pick up weapons, drive cars, open doors use keys on locked doors.

Here is a rough video show the current progress.

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Re: Interactive Objects Development.

Postby StarFire » 13 Apr 2017, 12:47

Just though about posting a small update on the interactive system.

This system has now been put under many tests and each time come's out smiling. The joys of running across the terrain to your vehicle and then driving to the other side only to then get out and shoot or blow something up is great fun. As a developer of the engine I am starting to feel a bit rewarded with the "go and play for the hell of it" head space.

Also this system has enabled me to move along to creating a dialog and quest system, and guess what! no crashes in this workflow. Skyline realy feels like it is maturing to leave its beta state behind :)
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