From time to time we will inform the community of certain areas of Skyline Development. If we have decided to add a new features or new demos in development etc we will try to make a post in this topic.Feel free to leave your comments to help encourage out development team ; )

New Material Editor Detail Layers.

New Material Editor Detail Layers.

Postby StarFire » 25 Jul 2017, 14:21

Just been upgrading the material editor to have 1-4 detail layers for diffuse and normal pluss scale, offset and....... scrolling for each layer( needed for water plane and wet walls etc.)

Blend to textures such as grass and cobble to have grass between the cobbles or substitute the grass for sand and the cobbles would have sand between them. This acheived by the use of each layers blending options, this ios aslo great for *ucking up your visuals for some trippy VJ like effects lol

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looks way better seeing it animate... ooo my eyes!
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