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Water Plane / Material

Water Plane / Material

Postby StarFire » 25 Jul 2017, 14:26

Since the Gen2 Upgrade we have been missing some watery assets, so we finally go around to making a reusable water plane. Or more so in this case a water Action which controls vertex movement and the water surface is created by the detail layers, making it easy for user water customization.

With nice wave and swell controls, plus a crest due to some clever math ;)
Oh and the water texture is made in the material editor. Simples! :D

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Re: Water Plane / Material

Postby karmacomposer » 03 Sep 2017, 06:26

Is this available already or with the next update?

Is the ocean shader/texture/material included or available as a download?

Is there am example ocean to get us started?

Thank you - the ocean looks amazing!

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Re: Water Plane / Material

Postby SolarPortal » 03 Sep 2017, 11:23

Yes, this water system is included in the next update which should be later this evening if all goes to plan :)

There are several water materials already made and the movement of the vertexs is handled by an action, so that will work also :)
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Re: Water Plane / Material

Postby karmacomposer » 03 Sep 2017, 21:00

The anticipation is almost palpable.

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