Firstly, Sorry for any inconvenience caused while the forum was down, we have started migrating the websites to a new server that is just as fast and can handle what we need for the next phase of development.
So if you have not already seen, the site is secured which means your data is even more safe now especially when logging in as we are using SSL certificates for all sites
This is all on the path for creating a single login across all sites which will then allow you to manage your account, add your steam account, and handle everything from a single location.. but that is quite a bit of work and first stage is to migrate to the new server which the engine then needs to call for licensing options before the next release , so this is all currently going to be moving..
Basically, if you cannot activate at any point, you license is probably being moved to the new server However, it should not break until you install the next version, so you are all safe for now
Again, please dont be alarmed by the errors you may get on some of the sites, these are all in development.