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New Parallax Occlusion Mapping for v2.0

New Parallax Occlusion Mapping for v2.0

Postby SolarPortal » 16 Dec 2020, 17:49

Hello again friends.

Much has been done since last we released info on SGE v2.0. Starfire has been doing a great job with the lua coding and documentation and i have been working on the shaders and we are back to getting great results again!!!

You may have seen some screens a couple month ago of the POM(Parallax Occlusion Mapping) system, well its now fully into the PBR workflow with the ability to turn on or off all Parallax Occlusion Maps in the scene so you can develop your materials with it and be able to run with it or not.

I dont want to go into too much detail about where we are as i feel a blog coming soon, but to give you a teaser of the POM system, here is a video:

Rendered on a single poly large plane with a repeating tiled texture set. Textures are low quality because of the scale of the UVs
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Re: New Parallax Occlusion Mapping for v2.0

Postby monkeyfrogstudio » 16 Dec 2020, 18:04

That's pretty awesome! I use POM for quite a bit with my models to save polygons, but have tons of details on things. Great job! Can't wait to use this!
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Re: New Parallax Occlusion Mapping for v2.0

Postby SolarPortal » 16 Dec 2020, 18:08

yeah thanks :D, it does have its mindblowing moments haha, less exagerated and it becomes usable as at this scale you would expect a ball to roll down the valleys buts its just a plane haha :P
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Re: New Parallax Occlusion Mapping for v2.0

Postby monkeyfrogstudio » 16 Dec 2020, 18:45

Yeah, you have to use it wisely. I use it for stuff like this:


Except for the basic shape, everything else is parallax mapped.
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