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Development - Duplicate Resource Management

Development - Duplicate Resource Management

Postby SolarPortal » 09 May 2015, 21:01

Over the past week, we have been making headway with the new system for controlling duplicate resources.
It is a job that really needs done as there are a few users who are having major troubles with duplicate file names.
Tonight, it has advanced quite far that you can now see it in action for yourself in the video below:

The video shows the common problem and then the new solution to the problem.
However basic it looks in the video, think of the amount of time it would take to rename all the parts for each of the boxes and it makes it seem like an advanced feature lol :P

There is still much to do and we have only made a small dent in the terms of being a full workflow or foolproof.
We are going to continue working at it, but at least it is close and is progressing well.

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Re: Development - Duplicate Resource Management

Postby TattieBoJangle » 09 May 2015, 22:21

:o Amazing work finally i can start building a game :lol: but in all seriousness its great to see it coming along and i cant wait to get my grubby little hands on it :twisted:

Again thanks for doing this for us it will make using the engine much better for everyone.
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Re: Development - Duplicate Resource Management

Postby SolarPortal » 09 May 2015, 22:24

As soon as i have a end user version, i will send you a copy to test before the main release. :)
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Re: Development - Duplicate Resource Management

Postby lordalmighty1 » 10 May 2015, 00:14

ok cool that will be a big help wot :)
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Re: Development - Duplicate Resource Management

Postby AuShadow » 10 May 2015, 03:46

lol still no talking in the vids Solar?, would be easier to point things out :D
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Re: Development - Duplicate Resource Management

Postby SolarPortal » 10 May 2015, 12:40

@Aushadow: lol :p not on this one as it is just a quick update. Took a few mins to make the video instead of 2 hours if talking lol.
When the task is completed, there will most likely be a talking video explaining how to use it and which workflow suits best for what need.
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Re: Development - Duplicate Resource Management

Postby SolarPortal » 12 May 2015, 22:38

Just a quick update on the duplicate resource fix :D

There is only a couple of tasks left before i will have a test version of skyline for the new duplicate management.
We are editing inside the material files and rewriting the material data with unique names and have renamed meshes, skeletons, materials, car & bone files which match the original naming if found in the folder.
The major task now is to edit inside the .mesh file to reference the new material names that have been edited inside. (the material names are the ones inside the .material files).

The video before showed if the mesh did not exist yet and was converted from an FBX to be unique. What i have been working on is the ability to make a pre-existing mesh, material and textures unique for those assets that have already been converted, but are failing to load inside skyline due to clashing file names.

So close to a first version now. Then as said a few posts back, there is plenty more work to be done, editor to be made and workflows to nail lol :P

That's it for now :)
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Re: Development - Duplicate Resource Management

Postby lordalmighty1 » 12 May 2015, 22:44

sounds good m8, I know tattie will be pleased to hear this :)
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Re: Development - Duplicate Resource Management

Postby TattieBoJangle » 12 May 2015, 22:45

thanks for the update m8 it sounds as if it is all coming together and yea cant wait ;)
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