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v2 - upgraded the metrics

v2 - upgraded the metrics

Postby SolarPortal » 03 Jun 2020, 16:17

ever wanted to see how many draw calls or instances, or even polys, tris and verts in the frame view at that moment.
well the new v2 skyline now records full metrics data:

Clipboard Image (3).jpg
Clipboard Image (3).jpg (9.23 KiB) Viewed 9164 times

Sorry for the poor quality image, the snip&sketch feature of windows 10 is making poor quality images now.

If your wondering what the total statics and total dynamics is, then let me explain:
On each entity you can set an update mode either static or dynamic. In v2 skyline, if an entity does not have a dynamic flag then it is completely ignored in the update loop whereas previously we were updating all entities in one big list, but that gets slow if you have 1000's of entities. Now you could have a world filled of assets and if they are set static, then they are not put through the engines update loop. You still have to pay for the rendering cost, but thats what the metrics are there for :P
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Re: v2 - upgraded the metrics

Postby monkeyfrogstudio » 03 Jun 2020, 17:39

Awesome! Always nice to be able to see such data.
Intel i9-10900K 5.10GHz, 64 GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3090 ti 24GB, Windows 11 64-bit, dual monitor display
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