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Script Editor Sneak Peak

Script Editor Sneak Peak

Postby StarFire » 08 Dec 2020, 19:44

Here is a sneak peak of the script editors new features.

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Re: Script Editor Sneak Peak

Postby T4r4ntul4 » 08 Dec 2020, 21:06

Looks good!
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Re: Script Editor Sneak Peak

Postby monkeyfrogstudio » 09 Dec 2020, 00:09

This looks great!

Question from a non-programmer - Will the docs included with Skyline help a non-programmer to learn at least the basics of LUA programming for Skyline?
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Re: Script Editor Sneak Peak

Postby StarFire » 09 Dec 2020, 01:25

Thanks :D
monkeyfrogstudio wrote:This looks great!

Question from a non-programmer - Will the docs included with Skyline help a non-programmer to learn at least the basics of LUA programming for Skyline?

Yes, the new workshop starts at beginner level:D
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Re: Script Editor Sneak Peak

Postby monkeyfrogstudio » 09 Dec 2020, 03:09

Awesome! Thank you.
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