Good Idea Ellement ; )
Similar to the way we have been working. Here is some insights into our thoughts:
I have started a simple 2.5D fish game called Pearl Diver, the process was to add features to Skyline to enable this game to be created, then move onto more complex game mechanics and add these required features until a full game proto is complete
( we call this stage "shoot the barrels", game play mechanics with simple challenge) . We do try very hard to stick to our development design flow, whilst taking onboard community feature requests, this will work as long as a priority is placed on each feature request.
We want you all to be working on project ideas and generally playing/having fun with Skyline, if there is a bug/crash or even something just annoying which will ruin you experience. We see this as a high priority and want to fix this asap and this includes "must haves" if they are needed now, whereas if you can have a work around and it doesn't stop you from moving forwards for now we can make this as a lower priority.
The first stage of Skyline has been helped move forwards a huge amount in the model and asset import section( iamcheeseontoast your a hero for putting up with the first set of crashes! and letting it take you close to the edge of insanity lol!) This has helped us to focus, and get a more stable model/Asset flow into Skyline, sure there will always be other bits to improve it but we can visit these in time further along the journey.
Once we are happy with a features development we can move onto another area of attention. This is not to say we wont work on different feature areas we will concentrate on a major feature/issue and in between we fix small simple errors/bugs as a mental break from the main task.
Currently we are getting close to a new release with fixes and some included feature requests and I am just finalising the last bits in a shiny new material editor which at the press of a button will make your material files for you
Sorry for the long reply, in short I think it would be great to start simple games and then we can work towards our masterpieces. The huge and mighty old oak tree begins its journey from such a small acorn.
2d Scripted game such as space invaders as this could be made in Skyline now. There may be a need for a few lua commands to be created exposing more of the core but his is relatively simple and quick, just give us a shout.
3D game: I can not wait to get our fps action completed, as this already has many features including blowing up an object with the damage action attached. This would make a great shoot the barrels.
Third Person Player: Once we have this we will be well on the way to something very cool, look forward to working on this very much ( fire some magic and colorful explosions oh yeah ) hehe.
We will see if we can get some of our current dev game projects into a form that we can share with you, or even if you want to you can join in with their development as a community project.
Sorry for the even longer reply lol