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Camera rotation

Camera rotation

Postby Gtox » 05 Jun 2015, 11:22

I'm trying to get a camera to move around a spline path, with the camera facing inwards (imagine a circular path, with an object in the centre - I need the camera to move around the object, while facing it). I followed liamgibbins' tutorial, and it just about works, but the camera faces forwards, instead of perpendicular to the path (regardless of the initial rotation of the camera). It works if I set the camera mode to orbit (the camera is a 2d fixed camera), except that Skyline crashes. Is there another way to do this?
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Re: Camera rotation

Postby TattieBoJangle » 06 Jun 2015, 08:41

Here you go m8

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Re: Camera rotation

Postby Gtox » 06 Jun 2015, 13:21

Thanks Tattie, that's just what I needed.
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Re: Camera rotation

Postby SolarPortal » 19 Jun 2015, 16:19

Great video Tattie and thanks for helping out. It means a lot :)
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