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Bonemerging/ attatching items?

Bonemerging/ attatching items?

Postby EpiQuerty » 28 Dec 2015, 23:54

Hello, this is my first post here! Anyway, I've been designing an RPG that I plan to make in Skyline, but after messing around with the presets and editors to learn my way around the engine, I realized that the weapons and armor are part of the character models themselves. I'm wondering if you can attach items to bones in the character's skeleton (similar to this: Thanks.
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Re: Bonemerging/ attatching items?

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 29 Dec 2015, 00:12

In the documentation look in the Scripting & Modules API under Classes/Class List/Bone...

Code: Select all
int bone::getHandle   (   int    entityID,
string    boneName
This function is needed in order to retrieve the bone handle index for the anim.setBlendMaskEntry() and anim.getBlendMaskEntry().

entityID   : The entity in the scene you wish to edit their bones.
boneName   : The bone name to get the orientation.
boneHandleID: This is the internal handle to the bone inside the engine.
The following is a Small Example on how to use this function:

function onInit(objID)
    boneHnd = bone.getHandle(obj, "Bip001_Head");
    bone.setBlendMaskEntry(obj, "myAnimation", boneHnd, 0.5); -- apply animation on this bone by 50% all the time.

This would be the code to get the integer handle that the engine stores the code in...You would then Place your object at the bones position...Then offset it at the position you want...I never tried it personally...The devs are on vacation at the moment...Solar Portal should be able to answer your question better when he returns...

OH!...Welcome to SkyLine....
Thanks, CreativeOcclusion
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Re: Bonemerging/ attatching items?

Postby EpiQuerty » 29 Dec 2015, 16:44

Thank you! I'll start experimenting with it as soon as I get my character rigged!
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Re: Bonemerging/ attatching items?

Postby SolarPortal » 30 Dec 2015, 16:14

Hi and welcome to the forums EpiQuerty :D

Sorry for not responding as we are currently on holiday as @CO has mentioned and still are but checking on the forums :)

To attach to bones this is a good method using the Bone ID, but when you have scriptable attachments, it becomes much harder. For instance, a torch with fire etc....

This post contains a script which does the same as an attachment, but there is no attach code as all attachment is; is a copy of position & orientation with slight parameter changes.

Here is the post:
Code: Select all

Thanks and we look forward to seeing your stuff :)
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Re: Bonemerging/ attatching items?

Postby TattieBoJangle » 09 Oct 2017, 14:52

Hi Bentjudges can you go into more detail as I'm not sure what you mean by "UnleashX " thanks
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