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Account and Serial # association question...

Account and Serial # association question...

Postby Sage1969 » 04 Mar 2016, 06:59

Good day all,

Leave it to me... :roll: I recently re-installed win7 on one of my Skyline edit systems so naturally it says the serial needs to be re entered. The issue is that it gets rejected and the subsequent message suggests I disassociate the serial from my account and then re-enter it... reasonable.

Ok, simple enough on my end right? :lol: I have found reference to and the actual sn# in my account info but no way to edit or remove record of it. Then I thought about it and realized that it would have to be removed server side so when it checks against my account the serial can be validated. No?

As this would be done by a server admin I would like to make sure I am correct because I am going to upgrade my main skyline editing system to Win10 and I will do the upgrade before resolving the issue as I foresee the same thing happening after upgrade so lets just do this once. ;) or is there a simpler way I have overlooked?
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Re: Account and Serial # association question...

Postby SolarPortal » 04 Mar 2016, 10:50

Hi, currently we do not have a way for users to edit the licenses, but it is planned once this large mess of work is complete :)

When you are ready, simply send me a pm with your serial and i will reset it so it can be activated again :)
Hope this helps :D
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Re: Account and Serial # association question...

Postby Sage1969 » 04 Mar 2016, 16:44

Thanks SolarPortal,

Hopefully I will get to do the update later today after I get back.
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Re: Account and Serial # association question...

Postby SolarPortal » 04 Mar 2016, 16:52

no problem :)
Skyline Game Engine - Lead Dev.
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