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is there away to change model front facing?

is there away to change model front facing?

Postby lordalmighty1 » 13 May 2016, 19:55

as the topic says, is there away to change the front facing of a model? either with script or like the mesh editor perhaps?.
my buddy is trying to figure out why a model is backwards facing, he is using a script to turn a gun turret to face an enemy but its backwards lol. any easy fix for this somewhere please?
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Re: is there away to change model front facing?

Postby CreativeOcclusion » 13 May 2016, 20:19

It needs to be rotated 180 degrees on the y axis in 3d modeling software...I use Ultimate Unwrap 3D for this most of the time...But almost any Modeling software can be used that exports to the format he is using....If he is using SkyLine, this can be done in the Mesh Editor...
Thanks, CreativeOcclusion
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Re: is there away to change model front facing?

Postby SolarPortal » 13 May 2016, 20:44

yes, mesh editor would be the way to go.

I believe there is a tattie vid on the issue:

Open mesh editor, import from scene using the first icon. Should be white with a coloured arrow.
Then on the properties to the right; open up the bottom header and set the rotation angle to 180 and set the rotate axis to 0,1,0 and save the mesh. All processes to the mesh will be made.

In the scene, reload the entity to show the new scale :)
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