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Few questions

Few questions

Postby TattieBoJangle » 10 Dec 2016, 01:08

Few questions guys :)

Q/ Is there a limit on distance you can travel on a empty map the reason I ask is the further I go the more a entity flickers sort of thing.

Q/ Is there a way to turn off the auto poly reduce.
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Re: Few questions

Postby SolarPortal » 10 Dec 2016, 01:32

Skyline isn't using double precision, so it might be that. What sort of distance are we talking?

To reduce the auto poly, try increasing the "Camera Lod Bias" on the scene setting panel. Push that up as far as needed to push where lods pop in. Apart from that, it hasn't been hooked in for editing yet. We added it as it increased performance in the engine 2 fold.

Beware, cameras are popping ungracefully, which means if it is following something especially at speed, it could pop and judder.

Other techniques to reduce your problem, is scale everything down to a smaller size, essentially changing unit size.
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