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Navmesh deactivated in Gen 2

Navmesh deactivated in Gen 2

Postby SpiderMack » 26 Sep 2017, 19:45


Navmesh seems deactivated in Gen 2 ?

Also it is possible to add navmesh for indoor levels ?
For example i made this level test using Skyline construction kit, can i add navmesh ?


Or must we provide our own mesh for the navmesh made in our modeler ?
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Re: Navmesh deactivated in Gen 2

Postby SolarPortal » 26 Sep 2017, 21:46

navmesh would go through those tunnels with no custom mesh required :) There is an error with the navmesh which we know about, however I do believe it works, but the mesh is not displaying so very hard to see edges etc... will pick up on the 28th :)
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