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Forum Posting Syntax

Forum Posting Syntax

Postby StarFire » 30 Jul 2012, 18:27

The Skyline Forums use the BBCode syntax which is provide by the tool bar at the top of the edit window.

Fonts Can be used at varying Sizes, Bold, Italic, underlined and in various Font Colours

Lists are created by the List Code

When Posting code snippets please use the code2 syntax as this has highlighting for Lua, C++ and other languages.

For Example:

By using the buttons in the toolbar, select your word and choose "Huge" From the Drop down. Huge

Choose another word and select a Font Colour you can also use multiple BBCodes by selecting another code from the toolbar whilst the word is still selected.

Lists are created via the List and List= button. List= provides a numbered list whereas list is a standard bullet point list.

My List:
  • item 1
  • item 2
  • item 3

Code for the preceding list:
Code: Select all
[b][u]My List:[/u][/b]
[*] item 1
[*] item 2
[*] item 3

My Numbered List:
  1. item 1
  2. item 2
  3. item 3

Code for the preceding list:
Code: Select all
[b][u]My Numbered List:[/u][/b]
[*] item 1
[*] item 2
[*] item 3

Display Lua code by using the code2= syntax button.

lua code

if( key == "1" )then 
entity.setActionParam( entity_ID, action_ID, "Rotate Enabled", 0 )

Code for the preceding Lua Script:
Code: Select all
   if( key == "1" )then
      entity.setActionParam( entity_ID, action_ID, "Rotate Enabled", 0 )
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