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Speedtree Games question...

Speedtree Games question...

Postby Sage1969 » 06 Nov 2020, 06:51

I have switched fully to Speedtree Games version from Cinema version and none of the trees export supporting wind in Skyline but they do in other engines. What's the darn trick here? :cry:

p.s. Not looking for help with Speedtree so to speak as it seems to be working in UE and Unity (just use the sets for them) except for with Skyline (even using those settings you turned me onto Solar). I have some trees from the cinema version that wind works on in Skyline but want to make more. This has evolved to being personal now. :lol:

Got to be a setting or something I'm not seeing in one or the other? Maybe? :D

Thanks for any help...anyone.

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Re: Speedtree Games question...

Postby SolarPortal » 06 Nov 2020, 16:50

the version of skyline you have doesnt support the wind, but the new shader uses the vertex colours to signify each movement of the leaves which you can set up inside the speedtree app.. not sure about rigged wind animations :P
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Re: Speedtree Games question...

Postby Sage1969 » 06 Nov 2020, 21:28

Thank you very much SP. Just like me to obsess over an issue that technically does not exist for my version. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hope you guys are doing well. Take care.

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