I am sure you have all seen Tattie's video of the fighter jet / Spaceship flying around.
Which is here for those that haven't seen: http://www.chi-ad.com/Skyline/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=1009
This is a flight that is not using physics. It is simply made using the entity lua library.
Here is the plane code:
EDIT: Updated code on 25/04/2015. Added Joypad events for flight
- Code: Select all
-- | User Changeable Properties.
-- |=========================================================================================================================
minSpeed = 80; -- Min speed the plane can travel. This is in no unit measurement. Larger = faster. Smaller = Slower
maxSpeed = 120; -- Max speed the plane can travel. This is in no unit measurement. Larger = faster. Smaller = Slower
vBoost = 80; -- Use to rotate the plane on the pitch(up/down) quicker. Larger = faster.
hBoost = 130; -- Use to rotate the plane on the roll(left/right) quicker. Larger = faster.
reactionSpeed = 5; -- This changes how fast you can cahnge direction when another key is pressed. Larger = Firmer. Smaller = Lazier
-- | Required Script Variables. (Globals)
-- |=========================================================================================================================
obj = 0;
speed = 0;
wKeyDown = 0; aKeyDown = 0; sKeyDown = 0; dKeyDown = 0;
cVertTurn = 0;
cHorTurn = 0;
joyPadPitch = 0;
joyPadRoll = 0;
-- | Airplane script
-- |=========================================================================================================================
function onInit(objID)
obj = objID;
function onUpdate( timeDelta )
-- Fetch inputs and get smooth values
doInput( timeDelta );
-- Propel the plane forwards
doMovement( timeDelta );
-- Apply Pitch & Roll to control the plane and make it turn corners.
doRotation( timeDelta );
-- Stop the plane from going through the terrain floor.
function doMovement( timeDelta )
-- get the normalised(0-1 range) forward direction of the plane.
forward = newType.vec3 (vector3.normalisedCopy( entity.getForward(obj) ) );
-- set the speed of the plane, slower going up and faster pointing down for gravity effect.
speed = speed - forward.y * timeDelta * 50.0;
if(speed < minSpeed)then speed = minSpeed; end
if(speed > maxSpeed)then speed = maxSpeed; end
-- Now move the entity forwards by the speed and using timedelta for the same flight at all framerates
entity.move(obj, (forward.x * speed) * timeDelta, (forward.y * speed) * timeDelta, (forward.z * speed) * timeDelta )
function doRotation( timeDelta )
entity.turn(obj, cVertTurn * vBoost * timeDelta, 0, cHorTurn * hBoost * timeDelta);
function checkGroundClearance()
-- Keep plane above terrain ground.
currentPos = newType.vec3(entity.getPosition(obj));
terrainheight = terrain.getHeightAtPoint( currentPos.x, currentPos.z );
if( currentPos.y < terrainheight )then
entity.setPosition( obj, currentPos.x, terrainheight, currentPos.z );
function doInput( timeDelta )
-- Grab the input values and smooth them out for nicer control
smoothRate = reactionSpeed * timeDelta;
-- Plane pitching Up/Down input
if(wKeyDown == 1)then
cVertTurn = cVertTurn - smoothRate;
elseif(sKeyDown == 1)then
cVertTurn = cVertTurn + smoothRate;
elseif(joyPadPitch > 0.1)then
cVertTurn = ( cVertTurn - smoothRate ) * joyPadPitch;
elseif(joyPadPitch < -0.1)then
cVertTurn = ( cVertTurn + smoothRate ) * -joyPadPitch;
if(cVertTurn > 0.1)then
cVertTurn = cVertTurn - smoothRate;
elseif(cVertTurn < -0.1)then
cVertTurn = cVertTurn + smoothRate;
cVertTurn = 0;
if(cVertTurn > 1)then cVertTurn = 1; end
if(cVertTurn < -1)then cVertTurn = -1; end
-- Plane Banking rolling input
if(aKeyDown == 1)then
cHorTurn = cHorTurn - smoothRate;
elseif(dKeyDown == 1)then
cHorTurn = cHorTurn + smoothRate;
elseif(joyPadRoll > 0.1)then
cHorTurn = ( cHorTurn - smoothRate ) * joyPadRoll;
elseif(joyPadRoll < -0.1)then
cHorTurn = ( cHorTurn + smoothRate ) * -joyPadRoll;
if(cHorTurn > 0.1)then
cHorTurn = cHorTurn - smoothRate;
elseif(cHorTurn < -0.1)then
cHorTurn = cHorTurn + smoothRate;
cHorTurn = 0;
if(cHorTurn > 1)then cHorTurn = 1; end
if(cHorTurn < -1)then cHorTurn = -1; end
-- | Input key events
-- |=========================================================================================================================
function onKeyDown( key )
if(key == "w")then wKeyDown = 1; end
if(key == "a")then aKeyDown = 1; end
if(key == "s")then sKeyDown = 1; end
if(key == "d")then dKeyDown = 1; end
function onKeyUp( key )
if(key == "w")then wKeyDown = 0; end
if(key == "a")then aKeyDown = 0; end
if(key == "s")then sKeyDown = 0; end
if(key == "d")then dKeyDown = 0; end
function onJSAxisMoved(axis, value)
if(axis==0) then
if(value<-400 )then
joyPadPitch = 1;
elseif(value > 400)then
joyPadPitch = -1;
joyPadPitch = 0;
if(axis==1) then
if(value<-400 )then
joyPadRoll = 1;
elseif(value > 400)then
joyPadRoll = -1;
joyPadRoll = 0;
This is a more advanced version of the script which has:
- smooth pitch and roll effects.
- min / max speed
- When you fly up, the plane slows down. When you fly down, the speed increases steadily to max speed which makes it seem as though gravity is affecting it. Use a lazy cam to get cool movements.
- You cannot fly through the terrain ground. Normal entities you can as this is NOT physics based.
- multiple adjustment properties to help make it flyable.
- Fully timedelta'd. This means it will fly the same at 30 fps as it would at 500 fps.
- Keys do not stop working like the previous code did.
Look forward to seeing some more videos from Tattie and any other work people make using this script.
To get this working:
> Add your mesh
> Add a microscript or external script and add the code from above.
> Press play and fly around.