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Earth Sculptor

Earth Sculptor

Postby TattieBoJangle » 22 Jul 2015, 20:18

Hi guys i found this great little program that lets you make some great terrains along with the material, the other cool feature it has is the ability to make hightmaps that work great in skyline and almost matches on output.

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Re: Earth Sculptor

Postby epsilonion » 22 Jul 2015, 20:50

Good find mate..
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Re: Earth Sculptor

Postby TattieBoJangle » 22 Jul 2015, 20:52

Thanks liam skylines terrain would look so much better if it had better textures hint hint ;)
Case: CM Storm Trooper CPU: I7 5930k X99 Cooler: Noctua NH-D15 Graphics: Asus GTX 1080 Motherboard: Rampage Extreme V x99 Ram: RipJaws DDR4 3000mhz Storage: x2 SSD Crucial 500GB + x5 2TB Hdd PSU: Evga 1500w OS: Windows 10
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Re: Earth Sculptor

Postby SolarPortal » 22 Jul 2015, 20:55

Nice find :)

skylines terrain would look so much better if it had better textures hint hint

ok i'm listening :P In what way would you like better textures? Better diffuse textures? or better painting system? or long range textures that blend to detail levels?
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Re: Earth Sculptor

Postby TattieBoJangle » 22 Jul 2015, 21:00

The painting system is great! but better diffuse textures wouldn't go a miss as well as blending, i think its the rock that lets it down not sure but this is just my opinion obv i know you can use your own but for new users testing skyline you want them to think wow ;)
Case: CM Storm Trooper CPU: I7 5930k X99 Cooler: Noctua NH-D15 Graphics: Asus GTX 1080 Motherboard: Rampage Extreme V x99 Ram: RipJaws DDR4 3000mhz Storage: x2 SSD Crucial 500GB + x5 2TB Hdd PSU: Evga 1500w OS: Windows 10
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Re: Earth Sculptor

Postby StarFire » 22 Jul 2015, 21:03

Hmmm me thinks the Uber shader on terrain plus more layers, brightness and other layer controls.Oh and displacement!
Ok I have convinced myself, added it to list ;)

As for textures, you are free to use any textures and if you find any that are better than the default please let use know and we will add them in the next update for you
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Re: Earth Sculptor

Postby TattieBoJangle » 22 Jul 2015, 21:09

Sounds like a plan i will see what i can dig out but what you just said is great news, i know more layers when painting would go down a treat :)
Case: CM Storm Trooper CPU: I7 5930k X99 Cooler: Noctua NH-D15 Graphics: Asus GTX 1080 Motherboard: Rampage Extreme V x99 Ram: RipJaws DDR4 3000mhz Storage: x2 SSD Crucial 500GB + x5 2TB Hdd PSU: Evga 1500w OS: Windows 10
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Re: Earth Sculptor

Postby lordalmighty1 » 22 Jul 2015, 21:40

more layers!!, and a slightly better auto paint if possible?. its ok but you can see tell tale signs it leaves behind.

for the base layer also, is it possible to get a default grid texture to the size the grid snapping knows?.
I am using this blue grid inplace of the sand.


helps me at least, would be good possibly for others if a default grid texture like it was in skyline :).
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Re: Earth Sculptor

Postby TattieBoJangle » 22 Jul 2015, 22:54

still tweaking it but i think it looks better but again this could be just down to my taste.

Case: CM Storm Trooper CPU: I7 5930k X99 Cooler: Noctua NH-D15 Graphics: Asus GTX 1080 Motherboard: Rampage Extreme V x99 Ram: RipJaws DDR4 3000mhz Storage: x2 SSD Crucial 500GB + x5 2TB Hdd PSU: Evga 1500w OS: Windows 10
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Re: Earth Sculptor

Postby SolarPortal » 23 Jul 2015, 10:39

we have used the grass with a second grass rock before.
I do like the rock and normal map though, its a very nice texture.

more layers!!, and a slightly better auto paint if possible?. its ok but you can see tell tale signs it leaves behind.

Is this the blending across the edges you are on about. The slopes and height ranges are adjustable for each layer.
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