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[3dFoin] 55% off Christmas Sale, new dragon model and free m

[3dFoin] 55% off Christmas Sale, new dragon model and free m

Postby 3dFoin » 23 Dec 2015, 09:09

News Bulletin: Recession causes massive Elf lay-off. Please donate to the 3dFoin Christmas Sale. :p

And we're kicking off our Christmas Sale today!!! 55% off all items!!!

Come and visit our website to see all of the great deals for yourself! These prices won't be around forever, so take advantage of these deals while they last! Yayyyyy

We have a new Dragon:





Also the Fire bringer statue is now free for a limited time XD


Merry Christmas everyone!
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Re: [3dFoin] 55% off Christmas Sale, new dragon model and fr

Postby TattieBoJangle » 27 Dec 2015, 19:09

Thanks m8 :)
Case: CM Storm Trooper CPU: I7 5930k X99 Cooler: Noctua NH-D15 Graphics: Asus GTX 1080 Motherboard: Rampage Extreme V x99 Ram: RipJaws DDR4 3000mhz Storage: x2 SSD Crucial 500GB + x5 2TB Hdd PSU: Evga 1500w OS: Windows 10
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