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Instant Meshes (Free Retopo)

Instant Meshes (Free Retopo)

Postby SpiderMack » 25 Oct 2017, 09:55


I wanted to share with you some usefull and free retopo tool : Instant Meshes.

It's instant retopology with some control as there is many options to dig.

After using it some time here is my short review :
+ Free and open source
+ Instant Retopology
+ Multi platform
+ independant program
+ portable
+ Symmetry detection option
+ Great results on organic models
+ Great to do a first retopo pass before manually deleting edge loops for example

- Need high resolution polygon count to get acceptable result for hard surface retopology
- Edge detection for hard surface not so great
- Would need Line tool using start and and point instead of drawing a line manually
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Re: Instant Meshes (Free Retopo)

Postby SolarPortal » 25 Oct 2017, 11:22

That does look really good and useful for quickly dropping polys or getting proper quads on a mesh instead of triangles :)
Thanks for posting this resource.
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